No Cream Cheese for you

customer experience Mar 25, 2020

It was early on a Saturday morning and I had a long day ahead of me as I went to move some things to storage. I stopped to grab a quick bite at a bagel store that was conveniently along the way. 

I stopped in, grabbed a couple bagels, and headed out. When I got about ten minutes away I realized that the order had gotten messed up. I noticed that the order only had one of the bagels correct(lox and cream cheese...yummm) and the other had no cream cheese. Who wants a bagel without cream cheese?

As a consumers, it's important that when an issue like this happens we don't dismiss it and say "it's no big deal"; "It's only a bagel" or "it's only a couple of bucks".

You definitely need to take the time to let the business owner understand that there's an issue. The only way they're going to know, or be able to do something about it, is if you give them the feedback. So I did exactly that. I turned back around even though it was an inconvenient ten minute ride back to the location. 

I walked in the door and went to the owner and told her I had an issue with my order. I had ordered one bagel with lox and cream cheese and another bagel with just cream cheese. With a very stern voice she tells me, "That's not what you said when placing the order". "You didn't want cream cheese at all on the second bagel".

You definitely don't want to make this mistake. Regardless of who made the error it is not a good idea to tell the customer that they're incorrect.

She could have easily just chalked it up as a mistake, apologized, and said let's make this right. Instead she chose to stick to her guns, and proceeded to ask me if I still wanted cream cheese and charge me $2 for a tiny tub of cream cheese. 

The mistake that caused this entire situation was preventable! You can actually build in systems to ensure that the capturing of an order is correct.
It can be as simple as repeating the order back to the customer to confirm that it's correct. You can also take a more high tech approach to display the order electronically so the customer can confirm before the order is processed. Capturing of customer orders is a critical part of the customer experience and should be integrated into any training system that a business has. It is obvious here that either none existed or it wasn't properly executed.
While paying the $2 is not a big deal, the point is that she could have just given me the cream cheese in an attempt to win me over me as a satisfied customer. Instead, she escalated it, and made a simple mistake about cream cheese turn into a customer ranting about the business on social media as an example of poor Customer Service. 

I decided that I would never go back to this location, so they lost a customer and my revenue forever.

So you can see that customer satisfaction absolutely does have a direct impact on revenue, the longevity of a business staying within a community, employing people and paying taxes. 

The Top 5 Killers to Customer Satisfaction(written by yours truly 🙂) explores the link between Customer Satisfaction and the fives ares that any business needs to develop a plan for. Killer number 3, Returns an Rewards, details "The fact that a product had to be returned by the customer should be embraced as an opportunity to recapture the good graces of your customer." You can download a FREE copy here: Top5Killers . By downloading you are also granted a FREE 15 min Consultation 

P.S. This bagel store is no longer in business. Surprise, Surprise!!!
Check 👀 out the YouTube link for....No Cream Cheese for you!
As I finish my book and officially launch my consulting business I invite you to follow along on the journey. Please connect by joining my Facebook Group - Building Better Communities through CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 
It is community of entrepreneurs, business owners and concerned citizens who support the fact that if businesses make Customer Satisfaction a key focus it is beneficial not only to their long term success, but it also improves the professional skills of their employees, increases engagement and leads to economic prosperity of the community in which the business operates.

Of course, if you need help you contact me at 516-500-1536 or go to my website, 

Chris Bryan

Chief Customer Satisfaction Officer/Founder
Bryan Service Companies , Inc.– Customer Satisfaction Services


Bryan Service Companies , Inc. provides Customer Satisfaction Services to help small businesses EDUCATE, EVALUATE & EXECUTE on Customer Satisfaction to increase revenue.

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